

LLF Newsletter Spring 2021

  Check out a pdf of our most recent newsletter HERE.    Mitico LLF Newsletter Spring 2021 Final-1 Mitico LLF Newsletter Spring 2021 Final-2 Mitico LLF Newsletter Spring 2021 Final-3 Mitico LLF Newsletter Spring 2021 Final-4
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LLF Newsletter Winter 2020

The latest special edition of the Land Learning Foundation newsletter is here! See below to read about the Cuivre River Project, Labadie Bottoms, Elk River, a trash clean up on a tributary to the Whitewater River , and how LLF is expanding into Illinois and Iowa! Click on each page to
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Trash Clean Up

Trash Clean Up In December 2020, LL Foundation cleaned up trash along a tributary to the Upper Whitewater River. The tributary led to our project site on the Whitewater River, which you can view HERE. There were hundreds of illegally discarded tires in an don the banks of the creek. L
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Plastic in the Air

Plastic in the Air You may have heard about oceanic plastic pollution – marine animals choked by six-pack rings, stomachs filled with plastic debris, the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, – according to IUCN an estimated 8 million tons a year flow into the ocean accounting for 80% of all
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LLF Newsletter July 2020

The Land Learning Foundation Newsletter Volume 17: July 2020
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LLF Receives Risberg Grant

The David Risberg Memorial Affiliate Grant Program provides funding for conservation projects, through the Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM). In fall of 2019, The Land Learning Foundation (LLF) submitted a proposal to plant over 1,300 milkweed plugs from Heartland Seed of Miss
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LLF March Newsletter

Check out the newest Land Learning Foundation newsletter for Spring/Summer 2020!      
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LLF November Newsletter

Check out the newest Land Learning Foundation newsletter for fall/winter 2019!    
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Summer 2019 Newsletter

Check out the summer newsletter here! If you would like to receive the newsletter as soon as it comes out, please subscribe on the front page.
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Land Learning Foundation Spring 2019 Newsletter

Check out our Spring Edition Newsletter
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