East Fork Little Chariton River Restoration
Land Learning completed a streambank restoration project in Randolph County, Missouri. This project worked on two small tributary channels of East Fork Little Chariton River in January 2024. The Foundation was able to restore, protect, and maintain approximately 3,375 feet of stream channel. The Foundation added grade control structures to the streams in order to control the active head cuts and a riparian corridor was also reestablished through tree planting, native grass and wildflower seeding and invasive species removal. This corridor will be preserved in perpetuity. The vegetation in this area will help filter stormwater runoff and pollution, improving water quality of the E Fork Little Chariton River.
Bank stabilization and riparian corridor establishment helps to prevent erosion and improves water quality. Water quality and clarity will improve and sedimentation will decrease. Projects like this help threatened and endangered species such as the Indiana Bat, Gray bat, and the Northern Long-eared bat that my occur in the project area.
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